Guy Reads Outrageous Fake Books On Subway, Films Passengers’ Reactions

When you see someone reading on the subway, we bet you sneak a peek at their book (and possibly judge them). But how would you react if they were reading “101 Penis-Lengthening Tips”?

Well, comedian Scott Rogowsky has a selection of bizarre, creepy, and just plain perverted books for subway reading — specifically for the purpose of eliciting passengers’ reactions. There’s “How To Hold A Fart In”:

Strangely, this lady isn’t shuffling away from him as fast as she can.

This lady seems pretty intrigued by Scott’s totally innocent “Definitely Not Porn” book.

With the subtitle, “So What Are You Looking At? Mind Your Own Business.”

Of course, the books are fake and you’ll see that the author of “101 Penis-Lengthening Tips You can Do At Home, The Office Or On The Go” happens to be Scott Rogowsky himself.

But the other passengers don’t know that.

Scott, we admire your bravery.

We always leave our copy of this particular book at home.

But while some horrified people sneakily snapped Scott and his “alternative” literature…

…others were wise to Scott’s wily ways.

We admit, we’d move carriage if we saw someone reading this.

You can see the full video below (some of the covers are a bit NSFW, just so you know):