Terrifying simulation reveals ‘one of humanity’s most brutal torture methods’

Throughout history, numerous horrifying methods of torture have been rumored, and this one ranks among the worst.

One particularly spine-chilling method is said to have originated with the ancient Greeks.

This method involved forcing a person into a hollow brass bull.

A fire would then be lit beneath the bull, effectively cooking the person inside. Ouch.

Another gruesome case was the execution of Hungarian man György Dózsa, which took place centuries ago.

Reportedly, Dózsa was made to sit completely naked on an iron throne (not to be confused with the iron throne from Game of Thrones) while wearing an iron crown.

What makes this even worse, aside from the public humiliation, is that the throne and crown were heated up—imagine the agony of that.

Dózsa ‘had to then hold a glowing sceptre to ridicule his ambition to become king’ as well, according to YouTube page Dark History.

Another alleged torture method known as ‘tickle torture’ might sound harmless, but it’s anything but amusing.

A simulation video posted online provides a nauseating explanation of how it worked.

The video details that the tortured individual would be restrained and their feet would be dipped in salt water. Then, a goat would be brought in to lick the individual’s feet.

Instead of being a tickling sensation until they laughed, the goat’s rough tongue would essentially scrape off the person’s skin.

The exposed and raw flesh would eventually become infected, intensifying the person’s agony.

People quickly shared their thoughts on this horrifying simulation.

“Humans are endlessly inventive when it comes to hurting and killing one another,” wrote one person.

Another commented, “At first I thought ‘oh, the goat will tickle the feet, yeah that’s torturous but also kinda funny and harmless’. Oh how naive I was.”

Someone else shared similar initial thoughts: “Not me thinking the goat would tickle the feet with its tongue, and make him die of laughter.”

I think we can all agree that we’d rather die laughing than screaming in pain…