Meet Quasimodo, One Of Just 13 Dogs In The World With Short Spine Syndrome

Quasimodo, a dog with the incredibly rare short spine syndrome, has become an online celebrity after his hunchback furry form (and zest for life) melted just about everyone’s hearts.

Quasimodo was taken in by an animal shelter in Minnesota, US as a puppy.


At first they suspected he had grown up in a kennel, but the 3-year-old pooch was diagnosed with short spine syndrome, a genetic condition.

But despite not being able to turn his head and extensive medical treatment, Quasi still lives his life to the fullest.

“Born different but never knowing any other way, he seeks to please the people who have shown him kind hands and warm hearts,” says Sara Anderson from Quasimodo’s shelter.

Quasimodo doesn’t let his condition stop him from living the life of a very happy dog.

“He gets around just fine and knows exactly how to snuggle to fit into a lap,” says Sara.

The lovable pooch now even has his own fan page on Facebook, raising awareness of dogs with special needs.

“He may not be as pretty as many dogs on the outside, but his heart and soul shine through and make him one of God’s most beautiful creatures,” says Sara.

Quasimodo isn’t available for adoption just yet as he’s still being evaluated by the shelter, but they’re hoping to find him a loving forever home very soon.


You can find out more about Quasimodo and keep up with his puppy antics at his Facebook page.