Hilarious ‘Cards Against Humanity’ For Parents Is Your New Favorite Game For Wine Night

When you work all day and parent whenever-in-between, sometimes you just want to unwind with some ‘grown-up juice’ and a good laugh.

Wayan and Amy Vota enjoyed playing Cards Against Humanity, but didn’t feel like it connected to their experiences as parents — that’s why they made KinderPerfect.

If you’ve never played Cards Against Humanity, it’s described as “a party game for horrible people” where you create the most outrageous sentences you can from random cards with scenarios and weird objects. But this version is much nicer.

KinderPerfect, playfully dubbed as ‘Cards Against Humanity for Parents’ is a hilarious, mom-and-dad-approved take on the original offensive (but fun) game.

It’s a word association game with 200 question and answer cards that relate to parenting scenarios that are way too real, including gems like ‘What is that smell?’ and ‘Signs you are THAT family.’

“Like every parent, we love our kids, but they can drive us crazy,” Wayan said. “It’s their antics, and those of other children, that inspired many of the cards.”

The Votas crowd-sourced among their community of parents to make the game as hilarious as it is relatable.

Their aim is to take the pain and struggles of parenting and put a positive spin on it.

Playing the game with other parents can also open up discussions on raising children.

Wayan adds, “Parenting is tough. You don’t get an instruction manual when you leave the hospital with your newborn, yet everyone you meet has an opinion of what you are doing wrong or should be doing differently.”

“We want KinderPerfect to be a safe place for parents to laugh at the pain of parenting, and create a safe space for them to discuss the real challenges of raising kids.”

You can buy your own deck today on Amazon.