17 Photos Only People Who Can’t Cook Will Totally Get

#1. When you try to improvise.

#2. When you make your favorite meal.

#3. When you’d honestly rather play with your food instead.

#4. When you take the recipe too literally and peel half the potatoes, just like they said…

#5. Or when you just give up on the recipe completely.

#6. When you try to make a ~wholesome~ breakfast.

#7. When you give baking a try.

#8. When you invite people over for a dinner party.

#9.When you’re proud of your plating skills.

#10. When you’re crazy about pizza but sometimes you just gotta improvise.

#11. When you put together a beautiful cheesecake.

#12. When you try to go for the flip and ultimately fail.

#13. When you make your broke girl dinner and try to be fancy.

#14. When you forget how plastic (and microwave cooking) works.

#15. When you don’t understand broccoli’s mysterious ways.

#16. When you overcook pizza.

#17. And when you thought ‘al dente’ meant ‘on fire.’