15 Hilarious Tweets That Prove Kids Are The Funniest People Ever

#1. This boy who misunderstood the instructions.


#2. This terrifying experience.


#3. This little girl who ditched her parents for a new set.

#4. This girl whose Halloween costime was a little too scary.

#5. This girl who packed only the essentials.

#6. This boy living the dream.

#7. This future secret shopper.

#8. This evil kid.


#9. This delicious treat.

#10. This brilliant-yet-awful revenge.

#11. This girl who found her calling.

#12. This girl who needs to work on her spelling.

#13. This 9-year-old who’s got your back.

#14. This youngster who found an unattended shopping list.

#15. And this devious trick.