Every once in a while a pet will get into something it wasn’t supposed to. But these pets take general animal mischief to an entire new level.
#1. This Boston terrier has taken it upon himself to redecorate
#2. “Loofa sponge? What loofa sponge? There was a loofa sponge in here?”
#3. “It was like this when I got here”
#4. “Don’t hurt me”
#5. It’s probably smart to just let this cat finish what she started
#6. Caught red-headed
#7. “Whaat? It was looking at me funny!”
#8. Evidence that it is never a good idea to pull a kitten’s tail
#9. “ok, just tilt your head to the side and they’ll let you off the hook, it never fails”
#10. It doesn’t take a detective to figure out where this leads to
#11. “But… but… I thought there was cheese inside here”
#12. “Oh, I’m sorry… did you need these kitchen supplies?”
#13. “That was already here when I came in from my walk”
#14. “I know nothing”
#15. “These crumbs? Oh these crumbs are for you”
#16. “I always wanted a set of fine, ladies gloves”
#17. “I have destroyed all the things”
#18. “Don’t give in Eddy. If neither of us barks a word, she won’t know what happened”
#19. “The cat did it”
#20. “You won’t let me go outside so I had to make the ground come inside”
#21. “We didn’t do it”
#22. “It smelled like tasty delicious birds, so I had to investigate”
#23. “Your toilet roll paper has committed suicide… I offer my deepest condolences”
#24. “Hey, at least we didn’t destroy the couch!”
Pets will turn anything they want into a chew toy. So the next time you decide to venture off, know that you may return to utter chaos and destruction.