Dad Creates The Most Awesome Mario Kart Themed Nursery For His New Son

Troy McClure is definitely in the running for best and geekiest dad. Check out this awesome Mario Kart themed nursery he made for his new son.

The father spent over a year building the nursery, complete with 3D models of the characters and cars. Luckily for us, he documented the entire process.

First, the walls were painted blue.

Signature Mario-style clouds were added.

The basic outline of the characters were sketched onto the wall in preparation of being painted

“At the time I was working on Luigi, the death-stare went viral. I considered doing it for about 5 seconds. Don’t want to give the kid nightmares!” said Troy.

The outline of castles were drawn, too.

And then, the real painting began.

Bowser, Peach, and Luigi were all drawn onto the nursery walls. But what about Mario? You’ll find out later.

Here is Peach narrowly escaping Bowser.

Luigi looks like he needs a bit of help.

Yoshi also make an appearance, on the opposite wall.

Time for some 3D elements. The body of Mario’s kart was carved out of Styrofoam.

Other pieces were molded out of putty.

Working lights were added.

The kart was carefully modeled after the one from the game.

Hey! It’s-a Mario!

Mario’s head was painted in preparation of being placed on his body.

Mario fits perfectly into his kart. Banana for scale… and comedy.

Mario and his kart were mounted to the ceiling. The Mario Kart crew is complete!

For the finishing touch, Troy added a Mario Kart mobile (made of McDonald’s toys).


See a video exploring the Mario Kart nursery below:

[youtube id=”V7o8tQ8w7es”]

Troy has created two other Nintendo-themed nurseries in the past, one based on Zelda, and one based on Yoshi’s Island. See them at Troy’s website Geeksmithing, and his Facebook page.