Woman Crochets Tiny Super Heroes And Leaves Them Around Comic-Con For People To Find

There is a mysterious individual who attends San Diego Comic-Con every year to hide tiny, crocheted super heroes for people to find and keep.

Known as the Geeky Hooker, she is a self-described “healthcare professional by day, crochet ninja by night” from Houston, Texas.

A heroine in her own right, Geeky Hooker taught herself to crochet about five years ago. She started with lumpy dolls and eventually progressed to equally lumpy super heroes.

While she keeps some of her creations for herself, she gives most of them away at Comic-Con. “I tag them with my contact info, and then I cross my fingers and hope that they’ll be given good homes,” she writes.

This year, all of her yarn critters were accounted for with their new owners posting about them on social media.

Occasionally, though, some of the critters she leaves out for adoption are never heard from again, so she considers them “lost to the great trash compactor in the sky.”

We think that’s highly unlikely, though, because who can possibly resist these adorable little critters?

“Hopefully they’ll eventually take over the world, one goofy little sack of yarn at a time!” Geeky Hooker writes.