Woman Captures Every Stage Of Mastectomy In Creative Photo Series

Meet Aniela McGuinness, a 32-year-old actress from Hollywood, Florida.

She decided to deal with her breast cancer diagnosis by doing a photoshoot titled “My Breast Choice,” where McGuinness photographed herself as Rosie the Riveter prior to her operation and the Bride of Frankenstein after (because it’s nearly Halloween).

“Before removing my breasts I wanted photographic evidence of what they looked like, but I didn’t want mug shots of attempted murders.”

The uncensored photo is available on McGuinness’ website.

Her project explores “the impact breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and chemo can have on a woman’s body and soul and uses humor and honesty to go beyond just surviving,” McGuinness explains.

“Mainly, I needed something to focus on while I went through this, a place to release my creativity and feel useful. My Breast Choice gave me that.”

“Have you ever googled mastectomy before and after photos? It’s a heartbreaking array of faceless women’s maimed breasts under florescent lighting.”

In an attempt to change perceptions of mastectomies, she created four powerful and humorous images that express the emotion of each stage of the process.

McGuinness felt plastic while having her expanders in and because her hair had not yet regrown, she did a Mannequin shoot.

“I wanted a photo that captured how I felt.”

“I decided not to get my nipples reconstructed or tattooed because I enjoy the jokes and freedom I get from not having them.”

“I wanted to change the images that women saw of mastectomies.”

“No more before and after photos. I wanted them to see the evolution, the life, and the HUMOR in this dark situation.”

For more info visit the website mybreastchoiceshow.com, Facebook, and Instagram.