7 Important Things You Realize When You’re Single For A Year

#1. You remember what you really like to do.

When you’re wrapped up in relationships, you often do what the other person wants (and that’s not necessarily a bad thing). You don’t focus on yourself. When you’re single for awhile, you have the time to figure out what you really enjoy doing and even restart old hobbies!

#2. You like spending time with yourself.

If you stay single for long enough, you’ll begin to embrace your independence. And when you spend time by yourself, you enjoy it. After all, if you can’t enjoy your own company, how can you expect other people to?

#3. Friendships take work.

As much as we try and avoid it, sometimes, our friendships suffer when we’re in a relationship. You can’t just call up a friend from time to time and expect there to be a bond between you. You have to take the time regularly to do things with your friends. Being single allows you to focus on your friends and reminds you of how much they mean to you.

#4. How advertising makes you feel about being single.

You know when you watched that commercial or read that ad while you were in a relationship and thought to yourself, ‘I’m so glad I’m not single.’ Be aware that companies will often make you feel like you’re lacking something (e.g. love, sex, beauty, excitement) to get you to buy their stuff. Don’t fall for it!

#5. Your friends are great partners.

While friendship does take work, they also support you in ways that most romantic partners never would. They love you when you’re a puddle on the floor as much as when you’re at your best.

#6. Not sharing a bed is awesome.

It’s nice to curl up in bed with someone but it’s also fantastic to sprawl across your bed and have it all to yourself. You have full reign of the blankets and nobody will be kicking you in the middle of the night. Kim Cattrall is said to love being single because she has the “freedom” of being able to “snore and fart” in bed.

#7. You get to know yourself.

It may have been quite some time since you checked in with yourself. Getting reacquainted with yourself takes some time, especially after being being in a relationship for so long. When you get to know yourself closely, you begin to realize what your inner truths are. This could change what you want to do for work, play and love.