Bullied man seeks vindication 43 years later by confronting his bully at school board meeting

A man who endured severe bullying many years ago found the strength to publicly confront one of his alleged bullies.

Often, bullying is overlooked and ignored, with many failing to recognize the serious impact it can have.

Bullying is common in many schools, but one individual from Katy, Texas, decided to face someone he claims bullied him during their school years.

In a viral video from 2018, Greg Barrett addressed a Katy Independent School District school board meeting, sharing his painful bullying experiences.

Barrett was determined to call out superintendent Lance Hindt for his alleged actions during their school days.

Approaching the podium, he introduced himself: “My name is Greg Barrett, I graduated from KSD in 1983. I started in 1975 with Mr Lance.

“My legal name is Greg Gay, I was bullied, unbelievably bullied. I started out and had teachers that bullied me, kids that bullied me, even the coaches.

“I had no one to tell to. One day at lunch I had my head shoved in a urinal, it busted my lip. I had laid on the ground in a fetal position as the kids kicked me.

“Here I am, covered in urine, my lip busted and they sent me home.

“I went home, got the 45 out of my father’s draw and put it in my mouth because at this point I had nobody. Nobody in the school system to help me.

“Lance, you were the one that shoved my head in the urinal. Do you want to debate it because I have witnesses that were there when it happened?”

The incident garnered national attention; however, Hindt did not outright deny the allegations. His closest admission was acknowledging he was ‘not perfect’.

Barrett expressed his disappointment with this response in interviews with local news.

Following additional bullying accusations and mounting pressure on the school board, Hindt resigned from his position a few months later. He claimed there was a smear campaign against him.

Reading from a prepared statement after his resignation, he said: “I love Katy, but there is a vicious ugliness in the ruthless attacks that I and others have endured.

“With this smear campaign against me, I cannot fulfill my duties as superintendent.”