
Meet George, The Cat Who Stands On Two Legs Like A Person

Meet George, the adorable cat who loves to stand up on his hind quarters just like his human companions. In fact, George likes the extra height so much that he’s mostly found standing up, earning him the nickname George2Legs. In addition to his proclivity…

10 Excellent Reasons Why You Need A Cat In Your Life

Cats are awesome. Oh, never mind that they sometimes treat us like glorified tin openers, or randomly sink their claws and teeth into our moving feet. The fact that they allow us to hug and pet them occasionally makes it…

Watch These Wiener Dogs Play In Hilariously Adorable Minion Costumes

Crusoe the wiener dog has been a bit of a celebrity ever since his owners, Ryan and Lauren Beauchesne of Ottawa, Canada, started posting aww-worthy pictures of the miniature dachshund online in 2011. Due to Crusoe’s rugged good looks, he’s gotten quite a bit of…

This Adorably Sad Cat Will Warm Your Cold, Cold Heart

World, meet Luhu. She’s a tabby cat from China who lives with two of her tabby siblings and owner Maggie Liu. This adorable kitty has quite a unique claim to fame. If you haven’t quite guessed it yet, it’s because…