
Feeling Down? Sit Up Straight. How Posture Affects Your Mood And Mind

Everyone knows that body language is very important and says a lot about how you’re feeling, but did you know that improving your posture can actually affect your mood and mind? Here’s how. #1. Sitting up straight helps you remember positive moments. The simple act…

10 Easy Ways To Take Your Cooking To The Next Level

#1. Stock your pantry like a pro. Ensure you have non-perishable essentials stocked and you’ll always be able to whip up a tasty meal in minutes. Check out the list below or see here for ideas. #2. Master the art…

Here’s How Successful People Deal With Setbacks

#1. They acknowledge the setback and learn from it. Successful people reflect on their failures because they offer the best learning opportunities. Thinking about why and how you went wrong makes you more aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and going forward, allows you…

9 Sh*tty Things We All Do That Are Actually Good For Us

#1. Being messy. It turns out that messy people aren’t lazy — they’re actually creative folk who don’t follow conventions. Kathleen Vohs from the University of Minnesota thinks that messy people actually have one of the most highly desirable traits around — creativity. “Disorderly environments seem…

This Is How To Trick Your Body Into Feeling Less Tired

A recent study has shown that there’s a simple way to use your brain power to combat a bad night’s sleep and trick yourself into feeling more awake. 21 students from Colorado College were given a short lesson on what constitutes…

9 Things Billionaires Do That The Rest Of Us Don’t

#1. They are ridiculously positive. Being positive means never giving up. Billionaire success stories all include this: they never stopped pushing forward and they knew that they would get there in the end. #2. They think of failures as lessons. When a billionaire…

When Life Gives You Lemons, Here’s How To Make Lemonade

The phrase, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” is about being optimistic and positive when things aren’t in your favor. The lemons, sour by nature, are a metaphor for the difficult times in life. But when things aren’t going your way, don’t despair…

12 Easy Tricks To Make People Like You Immediately

#1. Smile. It sounds obvious, but it’s all too easy to lapse into “bitchy resting face”. One study found that women smiling were perceived as more likeable than women who weren’t smiling, regardless of body language. #2. Monitor your friend…

How To Get Ready For Love Without Leaving Your House

Sometimes it’s difficult to think about loving someone again when you’ve recently broken up or have been single for a while. After all, making yourself vulnerable and putting yourself out there for love can be a bit terrifying. But luckily, there are…