
Mom Makes Periodic Table Battleships To Teach Her Kids Chemistry

The classic game of Battleships has been given an educational, but still great fun, update by a homeschooling mom to teach her kids basic chemistry (and military strategy). Mom-of-four Karyn Tripp’s son is really into chemistry, so she wanted to find…

11 Reasons Little Sisters Of Older Brothers Had The Best Childhood

Older brothers really don’t get the credit they deserve. Every year our mothers and fathers each get their own days, but we tend to overlook that our older brothers were an important part of our childhood, too. Granted, he may have given you a hard time…

13 Signs You’re Too Generous For Your Own Good

You’re the sort of person who believes that we pay for our residence on earth with generosity — and you have lots and lots of it. Maybe even too much. #1. You always know what gifts to buy people. Gift giving is…

15 Struggles Only Long-Distance BFFs Will Know

You and your bestie have been together for years. Neither of you ever thought that you would have to live more than a few minutes away from the other, but then life happened. If you’re in a long distance relationship with your best…

This Is How To Talk About Yourself Without Apologizing For It

Learning to love yourself can be difficult. Why do we say ‘sorry’ instead of ‘thank you’ when we share something difficult with a friend? According to artist Yao Xiao, we should be thankful for the kindness of our friends instead of thinking ourselves a burden. We couldn’t…

Chocolate Now Comes In Slices And We’re Very, Very Excited

It’s pretty much universally agreed that chocolate spread is one of the best things on the planet, so when Japanese company Bourbon announced cheese-like chocolate slices everyone lost their minds (and rightly so). The pack has 60 2mm slices of delicious chocolatey…