
Mom Turns 3-Year-Old Daughter’s Doodles Into Works Of Art

Artist Ruth Oosterman and her 3-year-old daughter Eve are quite the creative team. Eve starts the pictures by scribbling on paper and Ruth adds paint to turn the marks into beautiful paintings. Eve uses felt-tip to get the painting started,…

This Is What Iranian Women Looked Like In The 1970s

After the 1979 revolution, as Iran became a conservative Islamic country, women were ordered to dress ‘modestly’, which by law required covering the hair and exposed skin. To this day, many women have attempted to push the boundaries of what…

Curious Orangutan Just Cannot Handle This Guy’s Magic Trick

When this zoo-goer shows a curious orangutan a magic trick, the orangutan’s reaction is hilarious (not to mention freakishly human-like). The man produced a styrofoam cup and showed the monkey there was something inside it. “Alright, human, I’m listening.” He gave…