Steve-O reveals his reasons for opting out of getting breast implants

Steve-O has recently elaborated on his decision to reconsider getting breast implants, attributing his change of heart to a significant encounter that he felt was a sign from the universe.

Earlier this year, the Jackass star revealed his intention to undergo breast implant surgery purely as a prank. In June, while speaking on the X5 Podcast, Steve-O detailed how he had been mulling over the idea for several years.

“I came up with the idea a few years ago to get a boob job and just film a bunch of legitimately funny hidden camera pranks with me in disguise, in various disguises, and then revealing who I actually am, and just funny endurance stunts and whatever,” he said.

Steve-O continued: “I’ve been so particularly in love with that idea because the comedy, the opportunity for comedy I believe is absolutely there, and it’s like the quintessential Steve-O – that level of commitment.”

Originally, Steve-O planned to get D cup implants, but an unexpected event changed his course on the scheduled surgery day.

Speaking to Consequence, the 50-year-old recounted: “On the day that the scheduled surgery was supposed to happen, I was checking out at the supermarket. And the person ringing up my groceries was evidently transgender, and it struck me as a sign from the universe.

“So I asked the transgender person if I could run something by them, and I had a conversation with this person that had a profound impact on me.”

Steve-O acknowledged that he hadn’t discussed his prank with anyone from the LGBTQ+ community, understanding that his intention behind the surgery was purely for laughs.

Despite having transgender audience members find humor in his content during workshop shows leading up to the surgery, he realized the complexity of the situation.

“I had a number of trans people come to me after the shows to voice support for [the stunt],” Steve-O explained. “And I think some people would’ve been okay with it, and some people wouldn’t have. It would’ve been a mixed bag.”

However, his interaction with the trans person on the surgery day was a turning point.

He shared that the person described their struggles, including being unable to use the bathroom at work and facing legal issues in many states for having an ID that identified them as female.

They also mentioned “that there were politicians making concerted efforts to lock them up in internment camps.”

“It was really pretty heartbreaking, the level of oppression that was described,” Steve-O admitted.

This exchange led him to understand that “maybe it’s not all fun and games” and to recognize the flaws in his original plan.

The TV star concluded: “I think it’s a very valuable trait to be able to admit when you’ve got things wrong.”