
19 Side-Splitting Tweets From Your New Favorite Dad, Hamish Blake

Australian comedian, actor, and author, Hamish Blake, has recently been assigned his newest job: daddy extraordinaire. And he’s tagging us along every step of his journey with these priceless tweets. 1. Hamish and Sonny spend a lot of QT together, especially during…

This Fashionable Rescue Mutt Who Loves Fine Dining Is #LifeGoals

There aren’t enough Instagram foodies on our feeds; we need more over-filtered photos of white pasta and artisanal bread (can you smell the sarcasm?). Seriously tho. If we have to see another #foodporn, #instafood, or #blessed hashtag, we’re heading to the…

Taiwanese Couple Hilariously Parody Instagram #FollowMeTo Couple

Remember Murad Osmann and Natalia Zakharova? Of course you do. The Instagram-famous couple popularized the well-known #followmeto series, photographing themselves while travelling the world. But if you thought they were impressive, wait until you see Taiwanese couple Forrest Lu and Agnes Chien. The…