This is MilliAnna Worthy from South Carolina, US. She was born with a seriously cool streak of white hair on top of her head.

And 18 months later, she is totally rocking this look.

The white streak of hair is caused by poliosis, which causes a lack of pigment in the hair and surrounding skin.
And it perfectly matches her mom, Brianna, who has the exact same patch of white in her hair.

And so does her grandma!

“We are unsure how far back the birthmark goes,” says Brianna, “My grandmother was adopted as a child and hasn’t met her biological family.”

“I was hoping she did have it. My younger sister that my mother had a few years after me didn’t get it, so I didn’t know if MilliAnna was going to, but once I had her and they laid her on my chest I saw she had it and I was so happy.”

This unique matching mom-daughter (and grandma) look is beyond cool.