13 Things Only People Who Hate Drinking Can Relate To

There’s no denying that alcohol can be fun. But most of the time, you’d rather stay away. You’re one of those people who just aren’t enthusiastic about a raging hangover or giving your poor liver a battering.

So if you’re a clean-living, sober wild one, here are some things you can definitely relate to.

#1. Alcohol isn’t your favourite smell in the world.

“Is this gasoline?!”

#2. Or taste, for that matter.

God, no. Why. No.

#3. It’s way too easy to get you drunk.

“I’ll have a coke, thank you very much.”

#4. The only way you’re drinking alcohol is if it’s mixed with 10 parts of juice.

98% fruit juice, 2% vodka. Time to get turnt, yo.

#5. You believe that shots are pure evil.

Liquid confidence? More like liquid FIRE.

#6. Even when surrounded by alcohol, it’s the last thing you want.

All you want is a juicebox. Or sleep. Needless to say, alcohol doesn’t appeal to you.

#7. Being handed a drink is your worst nightmare.

You don’t want to be rude, but you also don’t want your insides to suffer.

#8. You’re constantly thinking of inventive ways to get your friends to have fun with you.

Ways that don’t require alcohol.

#9. You’ve been asked multiple times if your sobriety is due to your religion.

“I’m not questioning your lifestyle, so please don’t question mine.”

#10. You have SO MUCH dirt on people by the end of a party.

Perks of being the sober one. Not that you’d choose to blackmail anyone of course… 😉

#11. You’re the designated driver by default.

What would your friends do without you. Seriously.

#12. When you tell people you’re not drinking, they usually reply with “don’t be boring!”

So. Rude.

#13. You can fake being drunk to keep the party going.

And you’re a walking (or twerking) testament that you can absolutely have fun without alcohol.