Let’s face it, dating is terrifying. And it’s even more terrifying when the person you’re dating acts like a clump of subatomic particles — at times random and unpredictable. While artists generally don’t have the best reputation in the dating scene, the pros really do outweigh the cons. Here’s why:
#1. They’re talented.

Their interests will keep you interested.
#2. They dream big.

They won’t settle for anything less than what they want. And if they want you, they’ll put in a lot of effort to keep you.
#3. They’re free-thinkers.

Their minds are constantly running wild. They’re always open to new experiences and like hearing about past ones.
#4. They have their own hours.

Unless they’re neck-deep in a project, making plans with an artist won’t be too much trouble.
#5. They’re resourceful.

While it’s one thing to have a great idea, it’s much more rare to be the kind of person who finds creative ways to execute those idea. Dates need never be boring again.
#6. They make the most out of any situation.

They know better than to dwell on problems, and even when they do, they create something out of it.
#7. They’re full of stories.

They will share them with you in as much detail as they can, and make you feel as if you were actually there.
#8. They crave new experiences.

And they will include you in them. They’re open to new things and places.
#9. They’re passionate.

Artists put their heart and soul into their work, which means they can do the same with a relationship.
#10. They surround themselves with creativity.

They live in a space that fosters imagination and individuality.
#11. They’re great gift-givers.

They put a lot of thought into finding the perfect gift for a loved one.
#12. They don’t back down from a challenge.

They believe in their art and will constantly innovate themselves.
#13. They’re not afraid to give in to their emotions.

They’re in tune with their feelings and will be sensitive towards yours.
#14. They interpret things differently.

And from every possible angle.
#15. They will encourage your individuality.

Because they know firsthand how important it is to be true to yourself.
#16. Once you develop a real bond, they’ll open up their heart to you.

And they’ll help you to open up, too.