Marriage proposals are beautiful, especially when they’re really romantic. Luckily, there are some really wonderful gentlemen out there who know how to make that special moment extra special.
Such is the premise of “Proposal Girl” Stacy Tasman’s massively popular ‘How He Asked’ Instagram and its corresponding website, Currently, it has almost a thousand spectacular proposals posted on Instagram. Here are some of our favorites:
1. Ocean. Petals. Violin. Enough said.

2. Make a wish.

3. She came back. And so did he. Forever.

4. An adorable PUPosal.

5. A ride to remember.

6. Feels for days.

7. There’s a teepee involved. A teepee!

8. Paris is always a good idea.

9. The catch of her life.

10. Right on the 50-yard line.

11. He got her up this high to send her even higher.

12. She definitely won big.

13. Make the location as magical as possible.

14. Dressed to celebrate.

15. Cue the lights.

16. There’s a penguin involved.

17. The look on her face says it all.

18. Yes, sir!

19. He knew she was The One before they even met. Awwww.

20. The most colorful proposal yet.

21. He wrote her a song.

22. He will go to any depths.

23. It’s a hole-in-one!

24. Perfection.

25. Top of the world.

26. “OkCupid Account Deactivated.” Score.