We all do dumb things from time to time. But these people, well, they take dumbness to a whole new level.
#1. Err… no
#2. All because you can use it as a phone, doesn’t mean you have to hold it like one
#3. I have a dream, that one day, all things dumb will leave the internet
#4. What’s next, evening sunrise?
#5. Yep, that was definitely the only typo
#6. You forgot to Photoshop the weights in the mirror, bro
#7. Cadillac arrest sounds like one kick ass name for a punk band
#8. You might want to close the doors first, ma’am
#9. Perhaps the big ‘XBOX360’ logo might be a clue as to why
#10. Nope, but I heard it might be a continent
#11. I don’t even know what to say anymore
#26. Umm…
#13. I think this girl’s head is about to explode
#14. Maybe she has an aversion to wheels
#15. This person has clearly never seen earplugs before
#16. No one knows Dana
#17. At least this guy knew when to throw in the towel
#18. Drives a BMW, thinks it’s a Benz… *sigh*
#19. Alex doesn’t understand why no one texts her anymore
#20. This is where all sanity goes to die
#21. They can never take away what hasn’t been accomplished
#22. You didn’t think this one through, did you Jack?
#23. Yes Mel. You are so very, very lost.
#24. This girlfriend got off the “make me a sandwich babe” train a long time ago.
#25. Think before you post comments kids, otherwise you’ll end up looking all silly like Jesse here
#26. And this is why I genuinely fear for the future of this planet
#27. With intelligence like that, I wonder how they even made it into the elevator
If these put a smile on your face, please share this to brighten up someone else’s day!