Cats are taking over the world. Everyone knows it. But what most don’t realise is that cats particularly hate it when you read. They fear an educated public will just get in the way of their world domination plans. So the next time they get in front of your book and start acting cute, remember: it’s all just a clever ruse.
#1. “Homework is boring, play with me plz”

#2. “Spoiler alert: the main character dies. Now rub my tummy”

#3. Proof that even 15th century cats didn’t want their humans to read.

#4. “Hooman. plz.. i’ll just rest for here now. thx.”

#5. “I like your book. I like all your books”

#6. “If you don’t stop reading, I’ll… I’ll… eat your book!”

#7. “Now that’s what I’m Tolkien about”

#8. “hooman. i’m so lonely. play wif me. plz.”

#9. “That’s enough studying for today”

#10. Occasionally, even cats won’t be able to pass up a good book.

#11. “hooman. feed me.”

#12. “You don’t need to turn the page, trust me”

#13. “Read me instead”

#14. “look at me instead. plz.”

#15. “No reading for you”

#16. “Sorry hooman, but the news of the day is me”

#17. “That’s enough reading, human”

#18. “If I just sit here you won’t be able to do your work”

#19. “hai”

#20. “No more studying for you”

#21. “hooman, plz, have you finished?”

#22. “hai! just wanted to see how you were. watcha doin?”

#23. “look at me. yes. im the book now.”

#24. “i like books hooman, you should have known”

#25. “No more reading today”

#26. *om nom nom*

#27. “I’m so cute. Look at me. Meow”

#28. “Tell me a story! I love stories!”

#29. “How dare you read! I will kill you for th… i mean, mmm *lick lick* im so cute”

#30. “So… how was your day?”

#31. “Um, hello… excuse me. Yes. You haven’t played with me today”

#32. “Let me help you with your math. plz. i am expert.”

#33. “You ain’t turning this around. I guarantee it.”