You’ll Never Believe How Old This Incredibly Fit Mom Actually Is

Meet Ye Wen — mother of one, fitness model, health junkie.

No matter how many times you look at her, she’ll always look not a day over 30. But, believe it or not, Ye Wen’s actually 50-years-old.

Yep, you read that right. 50.

Given her fit body and firm skin, no one really believes she’s as old as she says she is.

Ye Wen says she didn’t always look this way, that she was pretty plain until two decades ago.

When she turned 30, she started swimming as a form of exercise and got hooked on the rush of endorphins. For Ye Wen, a few laps in the pool wasn’t enough though. She consistently pushed herself to up her endurance. She’s swam across the strait of Malacca in Malaysia, and crossed South Korea’s Han River — that’s about 800 miles together!

More than just an endurance swimmer, Ye Wen also rock climbs.

Her regular workout includes swimming a couple of laps everyday, then toning exercises for two hours, two or three times a week. Paired with a healthy diet and lifestyle, Ye Wen’s fitness model status seems well-deserved.

Ye Wen said on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter, that if it wasn’t for her discipline and dedication, she would never look like the way she does now.

She hopes that when she turns 80, she’ll still look as fit in a bikini.

We’re rooting for, Ye Wen!