63-year-old grandmother and her 26-year-old husband share they are expecting their first baby together

Meet 63-year-old Cheryl McCain, a grandmother to 18, whose romance with 26-year-old Quran McCain has been a hot topic on social media. Their love story began under the most ordinary circumstances—they first crossed paths at a Dairy Queen when Quran was just 15. Fast forward a few years, and fate brought them back together at a gas station, rekindling their connection.

Quran, then 23, eventually revealed his feelings, and the couple officially started their romantic journey in April 2021. They sealed their love with a wedding in September and have since been sharing their life updates through joint social media accounts.

63-year-old Cheryl McCain is married to 26-year-old Quran McCain. (TikTok/@therealoliver6060)

Despite their happiness, not everyone was on board. Cheryl shared the tough reality of her family’s reaction: “I have seven kids but I only see one of them as the others do not support our relationship. It hurts me, it hurts me a lot.”

“They were my whole life and all of a sudden I wanted to be married to someone I had fallen in love with and they didn’t support that. I have 18 grandchildren and I only see three of them.”

The couple recently announced they’ve found a surrogate and are looking forward to welcoming a new baby into their unique family mix.

Cheryl took to her Instagram to share the thrilling news with a sonogram image, and responded to critics with a cheeky repost: ‘You’re too old to be starting a family’ matched with, ‘I don’t give a f**k, I got my mind made up’.

The pair are expecting a baby via surrogacy. (TikTok/@therealoliver6060)

The couple is over the moon about the pregnancy. “It was an amazing feeling to find out we were going to have a baby. We get to start our own family. I am the happiest now than I have ever been before. It will make our family so much happier as we will love the baby unconditionally,” said Cheryl.


Our baby is otw the McCain family is expanding 💅🏻 #fyp

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Quran shared his joy as well: “I cried with tears of joy when I found out. This will be my very first child. I have never felt love like this apart from the time I got married to Cheryl. Baby girl or baby boy, it doesn’t matter. I am having a baby and we are starting our life together. Even though Cheryl won’t be the biological mother, blood doesn’t make you family and she will be the best mom.”

While there’s a mix of congratulations and skepticism from onlookers due to the 37-year age difference, the couple remains focused on their happiness and the upcoming addition to their family.

As they prepare to welcome their new bundle of joy, only time will tell if this event will bring Cheryl’s family back together.