8 Reasons Why Every Introvert Needs An Extrovert Best Friend

Introverts and extroverts make perfect (if unlikely) friends. They might seem like complete opposites, but they complement each other like yin and yang. And while introverts may generally feel like they’re better off by themselves, here are a few reasons why they will most probably like having an extroverted best friend.

#1. They pave the way for you to be part of conversations.

Social gatherings are a lot less awkward with them around. Sure, you’re happy being a wallflower, but being part of a group isn’t that bad either.

#2. They don’t shy away from the truth.

They know how much honesty means to you, and will give you nothing less. Even if it’s something as small as an opinion on your wardrobe or something as major as relationship advice, they’ll help you out.

#3. You get to meet new people.

People who you would probably never have met without.

#4. They defend you when people mistake your shyness as snootiness.

They’re basically like your little guard dog. Plus, they might actually bite. They will defend you to no end, and make sure no one messes with you.

#5. They easily become your family’s favourite.

And your parents absolutely looooooove them.

#6. They’re entertaining. What’s not to love about that?

They’re the first person you call when you’re bored or just need some love.

#7. They tell you everything. In detail.

But, no, really, they will tell you everything. Whether it’s gossip or about the guy they went out with, you’ll be first to know.

#8. They help you step out of your comfort zone.

They want only the best for you. Even if getting you out of your comfort zone requires a little (or a lot) of pulling you out of it, they know what you’re capable of and just want you to achieve new heights.

#7. They introduce you to new things.

Things which you swore you would never even like, until they proved you wrong.

#8. They balance out your life.

Just as you balance out theirs. They quickly learn that spending time alone isn’t as boring as they thought, and you learn that being in public isn’t as scary as it seems.