Girl Obsessed With Bookstore’s Hilarious Twitter Ends Up Marrying The Guy Behind It

This is book lover Victoria O’Brien who, three years ago, developed a crush on the mystery person running a Twitter account for the London branch of bookstore Waterstones.

It all started when the Waterstones Twitter account sparked some in-depth Pokemon chat.

Victoria posted, “Well, I’m in love with whoever is manning the @WstonesOxfordSt account. Be still my actual beating heart.”

Of course, Victoria’s friend dared her to ask this mysterious Romeo, a.k.a. Jonathan O’Brien, on a date after some flirtatious tweeting.

“It took a couple of months,” admitted Victoria, “Jonathan ignored my first tweet but the second had a typo and he picked up on that.”

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Is this the cutest (and possibly only) Twitter love story you’ve ever heard?


Yes. It is.