This Woman’s Husband Banned Her From Getting A Tattoo. After He Died, She Covered Her Body In Ink.

Some people like to buy art and hang it in their homes. Some people, like this 67-year-old grandma, prefer to cover their body in it and wear it proudly wherever they go.

This is Charlotte Guttenburg, currently the world record holder for “Most Tattooed Senior Citizen (Female)”.

Amazingly, Charlotte only got her first tattoo in 2006. Her former husband had banned her from getting inked but, when he died, Charlotte went out and got her first tattoo.

Just 10 years later the now 67-year-old Charlotte is covered in ink, with 91.5% of her body tattooed — and she’s planning on more, although space is becoming an issue.

Charlotte says her tattoo-addiction is more than just a hobby, describing it as a “powerful, ancient art form” that should be respected. She considers herself a “walking art gallery”.

“Every tattoo I have has a meaning to me,” she explains, “They all have one theme and flow into a story.”

Charlotte, who is a writer and life coach in Florida, US, now lives with her partner and fellow Guinness World Record Holder, Chuck Helmke.

Chuck is the most tattooed senior man in the world, with 93.75% of his skin covered in ink.

Charlotte says she loves the response she gets from the public, with kids telling her they wish their grandparents were “cool” like her.

She’s certainly one unique grandma!