Say no more to disorganized piles of ‘stuff’, and clunky, ugly appliances that are just boring to look at. These brilliant tips will show you how to incorporate them all into your home to make everything look much nicer.
#1. Keep your dog’s food and water in a drawer that you can hide when company is over.
#2. Hide your AC unit behind a wall hanging or helpful chalk board.
(Be careful not to block the airflow, though.)
#3. Run cords along the walls with these pretty vine clips.
#4. Use a desk curtain to hide messy cords.
#5. Have a lot of cords? Turn them into Bob Marley’s hair.
#6. Create an electronic charging station.
#7. Use tape to decorate your washer and dryer.
#8. Decorate your fridge with removable wallpaper.
#9. Install stairs that double as drawers.
#10. Hide your routers in pretty boxes.
#11. Hide eyesores with paintings.
#12. Hang a painting over a TV when it’s not in use.
#13. Cover a normal bathtub with imitation stone siding.
#14. Hide jewelry (or anything really) with a painting.
#15. Hide wires and cables with a tiny picket fence.
#16. Turn stray wires into adorable electrical towers.
#17. Hide kitty’s bathroom in a cabinet.
#18. Disguise pipes in your yard with fake rocks.
#19. Hide your router with an old book’s cover.
#20. Use all of that extra space under the stairs as storage.
#21. Stack books with the invisible book shelf.
#22. Keep your guests conscious of the environment with these little decals.
It’s no secret that a clean and tidy house can do wonders for your mood, and these ideas are a great way to achieve just that. If you liked any of these, share this page with your friends!