24 People Who Made The Best Of A Bad Situation. The Man In #3 Has A Great Spirit.

Some people just handle bad news better. Whether it’s looking at the brighter side of life, or making a joke out of a situation that can’t get any worse, these people can inspire the rest of us to not take things too seriously.

1. Morgan Freeman, after getting caught sleeping during an interview:
Morgan Freeman, after getting caught sleeping during an interview:

2. The business-savvy owner of this liquor store:
The business-savvy owner of this liquor store:

3. This guy whose Oklahoma home is fresh on the market:
This guy whose Oklahoma home is fresh on the market:

4. This guy who decided that he had been rear-ended enough:
This guy who decided that he had been rear-ended enough:

5. These kids who didn’t get the snow day they deserved:
These kids who didn't get the snow day they deserved:

6. The brilliant mind that thought up “grilldos”:
The brilliant mind that thought up "grilldos":

7. This guy, who wouldn’t let one little arrest ruin his good times:
This guy, who wouldn't let one little arrest ruin his good times:

8. This guy who found a pretty good way to get rid of a mountain lion:
This guy who found a pretty good way to get rid of a mountain lion:

9. Someone who recognized when they had made a mistake, and apologized for it:
Someone who recognized when they had made a mistake, and apologized for it:

10. The world’s most graceful losers, the New York Post:
The world's most graceful losers, the New York Post:

11. This blonde who embraced the stereotype:
This blonde who embraced the stereotype:

12. This kid who recognizes his short-comings:
This kid who recognizes his short-comings:

13. This guy who saw an awesome opportunity in an unfortunately accident:
This guy who saw an awesome opportunity in an unfortunately accident:

14. This dog who was outfitted with a pretty handy privacy cone after surgery:
24 People Who Made The Best Of A Bad Situation

15. This guy who goes above and beyond the call of duty:
This guy who goes above and beyond the call of duty:

16. This guy who makes even the gym look exciting:
24 People Who Made The Best Of A Bad Situation

17. This guy whose broken pinky made him permanently sophisticated:
This guy whose broken pinky made him permanently sophisticated:

18. This parent who turned a broken windshield into an awesome photo op:
This parent who turned a broken windshield into an awesome photo op:

19. This guy who knows how to woo the ladies:
This guy who knows how to woo the ladies:

20. These garbage men who won’t let a blizzard slow them down:
24 People Who Made The Best Of A Bad Situation

21. This person who made their cracked screen work in their favor:

22. This newly single father looking for love in all the right places:
This newly single father looking for love in all the right places:

23. This guy worming his way to the finish line:

24. This guy who made the most of his traffic camera photos: