17 Pictures That Prove Naptime Can Happen Anywhere

Kids love to nap, and as the following pics show, they also happen to be experts at picking the most random locations to do so.

1. The side of the couch with no cushion

2. The bathroom floor

3. Under that random table

4. On the kitchen table

5. On the coffee table

6. In their various play seats

7. Under a mountain of toys

8. On your toilet paper

9. Under your dresser

10. In the middle of your messy living room

11. On your shoe

12. In the laundry basket

13. On the TV

14. On the toilet seat

15. On a slice of bread

16. On the shelf

17. In the spare tire


When the mood strikes them, some tired kids will sleep just about anywhere, so be careful the next time you’re vacuuming under that table.