15 Confused Kids Who Think They’re Animals

The formative years in a child’s life are very important. Parents try and give their children as many positive experiences as possible, surround them with colourful and pretty objects, and make sure they form lasting friendships with other well-behaved children.A family pet is another great way to teach a child vital life skills: Looking after another creature, feeding it, caring for it, can all help teach a child vital life skills. However, occasionally, it can lead to all sorts of confusion, as the following photos attest.

#1. A litter drinking spilt milk

#2. Group nap in the dog bed

#3. The dog is clearly setting a bad example

#4. “Now, do as I do”

#5. Baby orangutan Rishi and his best friend Emily

#6. “Move over, this is my cream!”

#7. Following the pecking order

#8. This is never going to work

#9. Tug of war

#10. “This is so… liberating”

#11. A boy in water, and a fish nowhere to be seen :/

#12. Pigging out

#13. Clearly, this little girl has yet to learn how to share

#14. Baby orangutan Rishi and his partner in crime Emily

#15. Did someone say ‘food’?