In a touching tale from New York, Donna Kent, who inherited her late father’s home, recently made an emotional visit to the property to retrieve family heirlooms left behind. Her father passed away in 2021, leaving the home unattended for some time. Surprisingly, a squatter named Kyle, who had been living in the home for six years without paying rent, preserved all her father’s possessions.
Kyle explained his side of the story to NewsNation, saying, “I figured eventually somebody would show up, but nobody showed up. I understood the situation clearly that somebody would come back and how would it make them feel if I told them I threw away their parents’ property.” His respect for the belongings left intact in the attic highlights an unusual bond formed under unexpected circumstances.
Donna’s visit to the house was captured by a NewsNation camera crew, showcasing her journey through her father’s stored memories. Overwhelmed by the sight, Donna said, “At this point, I’m just sort of overwhelmed to be honest.”
During her search, she stumbled upon boxes of ashes, initially fearing they might be human remains. However, upon closer examination, she realized they were likely from deceased pets based on the delivery address on the boxes, which brought her some relief. “Makes me feel a little better that it’s pets and not people up here,” she remarked.
Donna also discovered numerous old family photographs and her dad’s collection of baseball cards, capturing decades of family history. Despite the unconventional situation, Donna expressed no resentment toward Kyle, appreciating that the memories of her father were preserved and acknowledging, “It was nice that I was able to go into the house and see it for myself.”
Kyle, on the other hand, maintained his innocence regarding his stay in the house, telling NewsNation, “I am [a squatter]. Technically that is what it is, but I didn’t break in, and I didn’t come in illegally. It’s just, they stopped coming and collecting rent.” The future of his residency in the home remains unaddressed by both Donna and Kyle. This unusual story brings to light complex human emotions and the unexpected kindness found in challenging circumstances.