Britney Spears might continue paying hefty child support to ex even after youngest turns 18

The attorney for Kevin Federline has commented on the substantial child support payments that Britney Spears has been making to her ex-husband.

Spears and Federline were married from 2004 to 2007, during which time they had two sons.

Due to Spears’ personal challenges over the years, Federline was awarded full custody of their children in 2006, and since then, the ‘Toxic’ singer has been providing him with child support.

It is estimated that Spears has paid around $5 million in child support over the years, an amount described as ‘extraordinary’.

“The amount of money Britney has given Kevin for the two boys is extraordinary and it is enough for any man to support an entire family, which is what she believes he has done,” a source close to Spears told MailOnline.

Recent reports suggested that Spears’ payments would stop after Jayden turned 18 this week, but it appears that she will need to continue with these payments for another two months.

Federline’s lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, addressed the situation by explaining that, according to California law, child support must continue until the child has graduated from high school, even if they are already 18.

Kaplan told People: “Under California law, child support jurisdiction continues until the minor child reaches the age of 18, or if upon their 18th birthday they have not yet graduated high school, it continues until they graduate high school, but in no event later than their 19th birthday.”

He added: “The child support in this case for Jayden is being paid consistent with that law. His graduation for high school will be in November.”

Representatives for Spears have been contacted for comment.

The pop star has not had custody of her sons for a long time, which has strained their relationship.

In 2022, Jayden expressed hope that their relationship could be mended.

“I 100% think this can be fixed,” he told the Daily Mail. “It’s just going to take a lot of time and effort. I just want her to get better mentally. When she gets better I really want to see her again.”

Addressing his mother directly, the teenager added: “I love you a lot, I hope for the best for you. Maybe one day we can sit down like this and talk again.”