Flat Earther Aspiring to Be ‘First Woman on the Moon’ Shares Why She Believes the Globe is a ‘Lie’

A self-proclaimed Flat Earther has divulged the factors that persuaded her to reject the notion that the Earth is a globe.

Shelley Lewis, residing in California, works as a science teacher while also creating videos to advocate for the Flat Earth theory.

“I don’t really call it a belief anymore, because I have so much evidence that it’s become more of a scientific fact,” Shelley said.

She added: “There’s something going on. Either we live in, you know, a simulation, the Earth’s flat, but whatever we’ve been told is definitely questionable.”

Before adopting the Flat Earth theory, Shelley aspired to be an astronaut and was even accepted into the prestigious West Point Military academy.

After serving, she now splits her time between producing films about the Flat Earth, authoring vegan cookbooks, and teaching.

Shelley teaches physics at a private school, and she emphasized that she adheres to the standard curriculum and does not teach the Flat Earth theory to her students.

“I wanted to be an astronaut,” she said. “My dream was to be the first woman to walk the Moon.

“I thought people who believed the Earth was flat were ruining science.”

Shelley noted that a pilot friend introduced her to the concept of a flat Earth, which led to her own investigation.

After conducting her own research, Shelley was convinced, saying: “I started interviewing pilots and engineers and ballistics weaponry experts, and all of this was pointing to a flat Earth.”

Explaining the Flat Earth theory, she said: “If you imagine a disc, or even a clock, it’s a contained system. So when people think, oh, you know the Flat Earthers, they’re going to fall off the edge, no.

“It could either be an infinite plane, or it could be a contained system with a dome.”

She described this structure as resting on top of pillars, with the ‘self-contained’ system surrounded by water, as well as ‘the throne room of God, The River of Life’.

Shelley added that she identifies as a ‘Biblical’ Flat Earther but maintains a ‘science-based’ approach.

Flat Earth theory is often categorized as science denialism, with its proponents holding onto the belief despite substantial evidence and a longstanding scientific consensus.

Shelley acknowledged this consensus, saying: “You’re going against science, you’re going against the big, you know, Newton and Kepler and all these big scientists, you’re basically questioning all these years.”

Nevertheless, she remains undeterred, adding: “But isn’t that what science is? Aren’t we allowed to question and when we find out new information, that is the scientific method to actually go and investigate and observe?”

Regarding the impact of her beliefs on her personal life, Shelley mentioned that her parents support her ‘no matter what’, but one of her in-laws ‘wants nothing to do with’ her.

Reflecting on the reactions she faces as a Flat Earther, she said: “There were a lot of raised eyebrows, like, what the hell? Is she OK? You know, do we need to have a welfare check on this girl?”

She further commented that people are becoming more ‘open’ to the Flat Earth theory, stating: “It’s still a fringe topic, but there are a lot of people who are questioning it as well.”

She added: “I think people are more open to it, but it is controversial.”

Historically, the Ancient Greeks were the first to determine that the Earth is a globe.

Philosopher Eratosthenes accurately calculated the Earth’s circumference, a feat later replicated by Indian mathematician Aryabhata.

Contrary to popular modern beliefs, the notion that the Earth is round was still widely accepted during the Middle Ages, with the oldest surviving globe dating back to 1492.

Flat Earth theory gained traction in the 19th century and continued into the 20th century with the founding of the International Flat Earth Society in 1956.

You might think that the space race and Moon landings would have settled the debate, but the theory has proven to be remarkably resilient.

When shown a photograph of the Earth from space, International Flat Earth Society founder Samuel Shenton remarked: “It’s easy to see how a photo like this could fool the untrained eye.”

Since then, numerous images of Earth from space and advancements in technology like GPS satellites, broadcasters, and aircraft navigation have been presented.

Despite all this, the age of social media has seen a continued rise in the number of Flat Earthers.