‘Diagnosed psychopath’ shares five signs to identify someone with this condition

A self-identified psychopath has outlined the top five indicators that someone you know might share similar traits.

This TikTok creator has been actively raising awareness about antisocial personality disorder (APD) and has provided insights on identifying potential psychopaths in your social circle.

Vic Path shares her personal perspectives on psychopathy, aiming to educate her audience on who to be wary of.

According to the National Library of Medicine, psychopathy is characterized as “a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, and poor behavioral controls, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior.”

The Psychiatric Times highlights that 1.2% of men and between 0.3% and 0.7% of women in the US exhibit clinical psychopathic traits.

Additionally, 15% to 25% of inmates also display these characteristics.

Vic has made it her mission to reveal the five indicators that might show someone doesn’t have your best interests at heart.

She explains: “Psychopaths are extremely manipulative people, so if there’s a psychopath in your life, you’re probably being manipulated in some way.

“The first way to spot a psychopath is if you know somebody that’s extremely charming, especially when they first meet somebody.

“If the first time you met them, you thought that they were the coolest person in the world, and you notice that every time they meet new people, new people seem to love them, but then over time, they kind of just seem normal to you, that could be a sign that they’re a psychopath.”

The second clue is if you have a friend for whom everything seems to go perfectly.

“This is because psychopaths are always manipulating everything around them to their benefit,” she explains.

“They’re always getting what they want in one way or another, and sometimes you may not even see how they have a hand in what good things happen to them but they always do have a hand in it.”

The third telltale sign is if the individual frequently cycles through social groups.

Vic elaborates: “If they always seem to be cycling through new people and they don’t have any friendships from their childhood, then that’s a very big red flag.

“Like I explained before, psychopaths have trouble maintaining long-term relationships because their charm tends to drop off over time, and especially because people tend to lose value to a psychopath over time, so they tend to drop people more.”


Knowing somebody with these traits doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a psychopath, but if you know someone will ALL these traits👀 #psychopath #psychopathy #psychpathyspectrum #howtospotapsychopath #femalepsychopath #chroniclesofapsychopath #highfunctioningpsychopath #antisocialpersonalitydisorder #aspdawareness #psychopathdiary

♬ original sound – Vic Path

They tend to ‘jump from relationship to relationship’, and you’ve observed this pattern.

“Psychopaths get bored easily, so they like to fill their time with people, but psychopaths can’t generate a true connection with the people that they’re romantically linked to, so they tend to go from person to person very quickly,” Vic notes.

Lastly, they seem to know a great deal about you, while you know very little about them.

Vic explains that psychopaths “like to collect information about the people around them, but they don’t like to give out information about themselves because they understand how other people can manipulate them based on what kind of information they have.”

She adds: “So a psychopath will be very secretive about their life or they’ll lie a lot about their life. But they’ll know everything about you and they’ll be able to solve all of your problems.”

These are certainly unsettling insights.