A TikTok doctor has advised viewers to abandon a widespread cooking habit for their health’s benefit.
Many individuals adopt various cooking methods from their parents, incorporating both beneficial and harmful practices.
Dr. Sam, known as @drsamuelgp on TikTok, has cautioned his audience to cease washing chicken before cooking, as it may heighten the risk of contamination.
He acknowledges that this practice is common among parents and continues to be.
While countless social media videos showcase extreme measures to ‘clean’ chicken—perhaps aiming to eliminate bacteria—the doctor pointed out that mere water use can pose a problem.
In his video, Dr. Sam states: “Why you should stop washing your chicken. I am Dr Sam, and this is medical adulting, where you will learn interesting medical lessons to help you live your life better.
“Your dad or your mum probably washes chicken or even you, and while most people are not so extreme with their washing, washing with just water alone can be dangerous and unnecessary.
“A study found that people who wash their chicken in their sinks ended up contaminating their salads, and this happened because of several reasons.
“Washing chicken in the sink contaminates the sink, allowing the bacteria from the chicken to transfer to your fruits and vegetables.
“Two, water droplets that contain the bacteria can fly up to 80cm around the sink, meaning things around it can get contaminated.
“Three, most people don’t wash their hands for long enough.”
The TikToker then suggested safer alternatives to this practice.
Dr. Sam added: “You can pat dry with paper towels and throw them away.
“You can blanch chicken in boiling water and discard the water.
“Cooking chicken to 75 degrees eliminates bacteria concerns.
“So wash your hands, not your hen. Because it is not worth it to wing it and then get diarrhea, so now you know.”
Despite being a qualified medical expert, Dr. Sam faced skepticism from some followers in the comments, with individuals stating they would clean their sink after washing chicken.
Consider this a precautionary message…