24 Of The Most Important Puppy Butts To Have Ever Graced This World

1. Baby butt

2. ‘I <3 You’ butt

3. Sick-of-your-shenanigans butt

4. Butt in repose

5. Corgi-cloud butt

6. Wrinkle butts

7. Struggle butt

8. Yo whassup? butt

9. Nonchalant butt

10. Minimalist butt

11. All-business butt

12. Chow-puppy butts

13. Subtle butt

14. Butts on the go

15. Hamster butt

16. Nicole Richie butt

17. Hungry butt

18. Butt partners in crime

19. Thoughtful butt

20. Happy-to-see-you butt

21. Explorer butt

22. One-of-your-French-girls butt

23. Hide-and-seek butt

24. Small but terrible butt