This Dad Makes Incredible Themed School Lunches For His Kids

Meet Beau Coffron, a San Francisco dad of two who despite having a full-time job, manages to make some of the most awesome school lunches ever.

Seriously, find us a kid who wouldn’t eat this Despicable Me 2 lunch.

Is it wrong that we desperately want this for our lunch, too?

Every sunday night, Beau makes these wonderful creations for his kids to take to school.

And you can learn how to make these awesome lunches, too. Just visit Beau’s website,

He says: “I want to help you make lunch time fun, connect with your kids, and show you products that make your life as a busy parent easier.”

Beau told BuzzFeed that he has no art background, and was inspired to start making the lunches as a way to show his daughter he was thinking about her when she started kindergarten two years ago.

“I saw some online moms making fun lunches and thought, ‘Why can’t I do that?’ But I can barely draw a stick figure!”

But that didn’t stop him.

“I figure you have to make your child a lunch anyway — why not spend 20 minutes or so more and make it a fun memory?”

“Some people set aside extra time to go to the gym, watch TV, look over Pinterest, or troll on Facebook. I choose to use the time this way,” Beau said.