Austrian Photographer Captures Soulful Portraits Of Dogs In Seasonal Scenes

Austrian photographer Anne Geier spends her spare time pursuing her two passions: photography and animals. In this recent project, she wanted to capture the character of every dog she snapped in the Austrian wilderness.

The results are simply incredible (and super cute).

Dami in the flowers.

Seeing in the fall.

Relaxing in the leaves.

And playing in them.

Charly having a thoughtful moment.

Australian Shepherd puppy, Welpen, contemplates a butterfly.

Leeroy testing his camouflage.

Melody exploring.

Paula, Lotti and Elli on a group outing.

Best friends Barney and Bagizo.

We found the elusive snow bunny!

What’s this cold stuff?

And what’s this feathery thing?

… And what’s THIS fluttery thing?

Finn having some time out by the lake.

Sniffing about in the dandelion field.

Finn and Cindy, a picture of perfect puppy twins.

Falling leaves.

Dami’s got you a present (a really good one).

Winter at the lake.

Peekin’ out at sunset.

Even furry things need a hat for this chilly weather.

Cuteness overload.

A comfy bed of leaves.

Discovering the big bad outside.

Nailing summer fashion.

“Okay, can we go in now?”

You can see more of Anne’s gorgeous pooch portraits over at her website.