This Mountaintop “Sky Walk” Has A 330-Foot Slide All The Way Down

It looks like a rickety, abandoned roller coaster, but high above a cliff in the Czech Republic sits an incredible architectural structure that offers stunning views — and a slide all the way down.

Known as the Sky Walk, the structure lets people walk 3,600 feet above sea level.

Glass floors are old news, so the Sky Walk’s floor is made entirely of mesh so brave visitors can see all the way down.

And for even braver souls there’s a 330-foot (nearly 18 stories) slide from the top of the Sky Walk back to the ground. Wheeeeeee!

Fránek Architects designed the structure to blend into and compliment the Králický Sněžník mountainside on which it stands.

As well as narrowly winding stairs, there are wide pathways circling to the top for wheelchairs and strollers.

Visitors ascend higher and higher until they’re above the clouds.

The walkway is made entirely of wood and steel, so it’s sturdier than it looks (hopefully).

And the vertigo is worth it for the stunning views of the Morava river and Krkonoše Mountains.


You can find out more (and start planning your trip) at the Dolni Morava website.