These Amazingly Delicate Structures Were All Made By Tiny Bugs

You might not think of insects as the world’s greatest architects, but Nicky Bay’s stunning macro photography captures the tiny structures we would normally overlook.

Singapore-based Nicky noticed the tiny structures in the rainforest and couldn’t resist capturing this whole new teeny tiny world.

Like this Arctiine moth pupa encased in a delicate lattice work of, er, bug juice.

Insect hot tub? Nope, more pupa.

Using sticks and leaves often bigger than the builder, this insect creates a neat little log cabin to use as a chrysalis.

Or this web tower structure that we have dubbed spider-henge.

This bagworm moth larva/teepee is less than an inch high.

Looks pretty cozy to us.

You can see more of Nicky’s incredible work on Facebook.