#1. You took music lessons.
A 2011 study found that the verbal intelligence of 4- to 6-year-olds increased after just one month of music lessons.
#2. You’re a healthy weight.
A 2006 French study of obese and healthy weight subjects found that the larger people tested could recall 44% of words in a vocabulary test, while slimmer people recalled 56%.
#3. You’re tall.
One Princeton study claimed that as early as age three, or before schooling has had much of an influence, taller children performed significantly better than shorter ones on cognitive tests.
#4. You’re the oldest sibling.
Recent studies suggest that the oldest children in families, while not genetically smarter than their siblings, will teach younger kids and as such are better able to retain information.
#5. You’re a nonsmoker.
An Israeli study in 2010 found that out of 20,000 young men, smokers had an IQ of 94 while nonsmokers had an IQ of 101.
#6. You’re a lefty.
Research often associates left-handedness with the left side of the brain, suggesting that lefties are more creative and enjoy “divergent thinking”, unlike regular right-handed folks.
#7. You’ve tried recreational drugs.
One study conducted in 2012 found a link between high childhood IQ and the use of illegal drugs in adulthood, suggesting that cleverer kids can be more likely to adopt harmful behaviors.
#8. You’re a cat owner.
A 2014 study found that dog owners were outgoing and sociable, but cat people were, like their pets, introverted and more intelligent.
You can see the full infographic here.