Get Inspired By These Awesome Burgers From Around The World

The Cheese and Burger Society have created a comprehensive guide to the most awesome burger combos from around the world, so we’ve picked our favorites for you.

The Miss Daisy — brie, apple, and mustard.

The Casanova — ham, mushroom and a potato roll.

The Rhinelander — smoked ham, sauteed onions and a pretzel bun.

The Uncle Sam — two patties, cheddar cheese, bacon, and ketchup.

The Big Ben — blue cheese, balsamic mayo, and a ciabatta roll.

The Farmer John — hash browns, french bread, and onion rings.

The Honky Tonk — BBQ sauce, peppered pork, and onion rings.

The Lumberjack — cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese, pickles, two patties and toasted white bread.

The Aunt Millie — feta cheese, olives, and arugula.

The Highwayman — toasted knot bun, ham, fried egg, and BBQ sauce.

The Crabby Louie — crab meat, avocado, and tomato.

The Couch Potato — blue cheese, potato chips, pork, and garlic mayo.

The Brooklyn — corned beef, sauerkraut, thousand island dressing, and dark rye bread.

The Mamma Mia — mozzarella, pepperoni, and pizza sauce.

The Sheboygan — split Bratwurst, beer mustard, and cheese curds.

You can find the full list at their website. Try to get through it without drooling.