19 Hilarious Translation Fails That Will Make You Say “WTF”

#1. What did vegetables ever do to you?

#2. Wikipedia three ways.

#3. This is oddly beautiful. Sleep tight, grassy pals.

#4. When you’ve tried but it’s 5.30pm and your friends are waiting.

#5. Hang yourself, hang someone else — just relax and hang everyone.

#6. If you eat my skin one more time…

#7. In some ways, this is very good advice.

#8. When you’ve had a long day translating a menu.

#9. You seem nice, but do you put your shoes on your face?

#10. Now THAT’s customer service.

#11. Poor duck.

#12. Probably don’t want to grab that in a fire…

#13. That’s one heavy duty manicure.

#14. So gross, but we really want to see it.

#15. Thanks for the advice.

#16. We hope you mean your donkey and not something else.

#17. What were they trying to say?!

#18. This soup has a very specific target audience.

#19. And thank goodness they put up a warning.