16 Perks Of Being An Introvert

Wallflowers are always being told they need to be “saved” and brought out into the “light”. But times are changing, and although the world still hasn’t gotten over the love for noise and speed, these mild-mannered souls are finally being given the space to settle in comfortably with their books and their solitude.

While the benefits of a gregarious personality are glaringly obvious, we can’t say the same for introversion. So to bridge that gap, we’ve listed a few things introverts should appreciate about themselves. Extroverts, take a seat.

#1. You have a great love for books and learning, and take time to nurture both.

The time you’ve spent bent over pages of books has rewarded you with a plethora of information on everything from Mark Twain to polar bears. You’re a better and deeper person for it.

#2. You have a rich and colorful imagination.

The task of entertaining you was long ago assumed by your brain’s imagination centers. Your mind’s solution to boredom was to create fantasy worlds. All the best writers rely on this same quality.

#3. You are great at expressing yourself.

Be it by words or pictures, your mind is very adept at making your thoughts come to life. Creativity and resourcefulness are some of your best qualities.

#4. You are astutely observant.

Extroverts are too busy being social butterflies to notice things around them. In stark contrast, introverts enjoy people-watching and have more time on their hands to notice what’s happening on the sidelines.

#5. You are more empathetic towards others.

You’ve been watching people and reading about their feelings ever since you can remember. You can read the micro-expressions on people’s faces and put yourself in their shoes.

#6. You have acquired excellent listening skills.

Maybe it’s your quietness that makes you seem trustworthy or that you don’t interrupt friends’ rants and go off on a tangent. Either way, you’re a favorite sounding board of many. And through the years, you’ve accepted that role wholeheartedly.

#7. You make an interesting conversationalist.

Part of being an introvert is inexperience in small talk, a phenomenon known only to extroverts. Conversations with introverts tend to go very deep very fast, and touch on topics like social issues, wars in other countries, and your dreams and aspirations.

#8. Your words carry weight.

Introverts pick their words carefully and don’t speak often — so when you do, people sit up and take notice.

#9. Your calm demeanor makes you attractive to employers.

While an outgoing attitude is good for sales positions, most employers are impressed with candidates who don’t look like they are “too much to handle”. Introverts are perceived as having a quiet confidence and proclivity for hard work.

#10. You can function autonomously.

Introverts are used to being by themselves, and work best on their own. Even without teammates or constant supervision, they are able to sustain the same level of productivity, and may even perform better.

#11. Your relationships have the tensile strength of steel.

Though they be but few, the friendships that you do have are ones that will last. That’s because you put more importance on intimacy than popularity.

#12. You take time to reflect on things before making a move.

Wallflowers prefer not to act or respond to things without thoughtful consideration. You like to think things through rather than go in all guns blazing.

#13. You look beyond the surface.

Introvert’s know things are not always as they appear on the outside, so take time to know the real story before judging.

#14. You hand out social life jackets to those in need.

You know what it’s like to be uncomfortable, so whenever you see someone who is worse than you at holding a conversation, you step up and help them out.

#15. You are an independent thinker.

If there’s one thing no one can ever say about an introvert, it’s that they merely follow the herd. Being aloof from society has made you aware of the mob mentality that sucks in so many extroverts. You choose not be part of that.

#16. You are extremely insightful.

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Introverts actively seek out solitude because they enjoy being inside their own heads. They formulate all sorts of things up there, mostly informed opinions on several subjects.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from 90’s movies, it’s that being an introvert is a good thing. So just enjoy being your eccentric self. Remember: introverts rock! But quietly. Only for a little bit. By themselves.