Artists Create Incredible Renditions Of Batman In Different Time Periods

Batman is a cultural icon and one of the most incredible superheroes of all time. A few talented artists decided to pay homage to the infamous Bat by envisioning how he would look like in 16 different time periods and settings, and what they came up with is simply awesome.

Greaser Batman Is the Definition of Cool

Greaser Batman

Medieval Batman Is On A Crusade To Protect Gotham City

Medieval Batman

Street Batman Has An Aerodynamic Look

Street Batman

Viking Batman Is Terrifyingly Badass

Viking Batman

Tony Stark Has Nothing On Iron Batman

Iron Batman

Ottoman Batman Haunts The Criminals of Istanbul

Ottoman Batman

Revolutionary Batman Looks A Lot Like Zorro

Revolutionary Batman

Zombie Batman Is Plain Creepy

Zombie Batman

The Literal Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

Steampunk Batman

Steampunk Batman

Batman Of The Underworld Will Protect Your Nightmares

Batman of the Underworld

Robo-Batman Would Beat Robocop


Nuclear War Batman Reminds Us of Fallout

Nuclear War Batman

Future Batman Has Cool Lasers

Future Batman

Pirate Batman Is Very Hairy

Pirate Batman

Renaissance Dark Knight

Renaissance Dark Knight

What do you think the Joker would look like in a different era? I, for one, would pay to see Batman fighting villains in different time periods.