Car accident survivor reveals insights into the afterlife from a near-death experience

Imagine this: You’re cruising home from your brand new job, feeling the good vibes, when suddenly—BAM!—a car slams into you from behind. This isn’t just any minor fender bender though. This crash was so intense, it literally launched your car 40 yards away. That’s the terrifying and utterly mind-boggling experience Willow Caelan, a 34-year-old from Michigan, lived through.

As Willow was thrust into this harrowing ordeal, her car ended up as nothing but twisted metal—yet, miraculously, she emerged without a scratch. She described the scene, saying, “Everyone was in complete disbelief, especially as no one came to check on me since it was almost certain that I wouldn’t have survived.”

But the real story begins when Willow lost consciousness during the crash. What she experienced next is something straight out of a metaphysical journey.

She recounted her near-death experience to What’s The Jam: “I felt like I was just pure consciousness and love, not a human with a body. It was almost like I was floating into a void to be connected with god or some form of the greater universe.

“I couldn’t see or hear anything, but I remember it being dark, comforting and warm. It was incredibly relaxing. I was finally at peace – no longer worried or questioning anything – it was like heaven.”

When Willow came back to the land of the living, she felt as though she had awoken in a completely different reality—one where she had miraculously survived against all odds.

The physical scars from the crash healed, but the spiritual and psychological transformations Willow underwent have reshaped her life forever. She noticed a difference in how she interacted with her loved ones and saw the world through new eyes. “My parents and friends seemed different to me, like strangers. I was different with my mannerisms and how I spoke to everyone.

“Quickly, I realised I had gained a unique awareness of life. It was like everything was new again; colours were brighter, I became more purpose-driven and I wanted to experience everything.”

Inspired by her profound experience, Willow has since dedicated her life to helping others find their spiritual path. She’s now a reiki master, mind mastery coach, and a guide to the subconscious, helping others explore the depths of their own souls.

Reflecting on her journey, Willow shared, “We’re put on this Earth to experience what those feelings are like, even when it’s painful, as it teaches us how to make the most of this greatest gift; life.

“I don’t know if it was divine intervention, a stroke of sheer luck or something more extraordinary. But a mysterious phenomenon kept me from the brink of death.

“[…] We don’t need to sit in what we’ve been through as our definition of self, as we have opportunities each day to recreate who we choose to be. I feel so much more connected to my soul.

“Dying isn’t something to be scared about, it’s just another state of being.”