If after heavy use you find your laptop is hot enough to fry and egg on, this simple trick could help keep your overworked computer cool.
Twitter user Akinori Suzuki posted a photo of his MacBook Pro covered in 10 yen coins to cool it down. Why? Because the 95% copper coins dissipate heat.
MacBook Proの内部温度が下がらなくて困ってるという人は、アルミよりも熱伝導率が優れている銅を使って熱を逃がすと良いので、まずは家にある十円玉をかき集めて試してみるべし。 pic.twitter.com/7hc6E8Tky9
— 鈴木秋則 (@akinori_suzuki) November 2, 2015
As Suzuki points out, copper has high thermal conductivity, allowing for a faster transfer of heat away from the computer.
And his idea has already taken off, as someone applied the same idea to a desktop computer tower.
@akinori_suzuki @tanakh これは有意に温度下がったから採用らしい。 pic.twitter.com/9hPfCEo2iH
— Keigo Nitadori (@k_nitadori) November 2, 2015
However, lots of coins that look copper actually have very little amounts of copper in them. For Brits, the £1 coin is best at 70% copper and in the US quarters, nickels and $1 coins will do the job.